PMS addition

It is often necessary to add certain compounds to wine for a variety of reasons. One of the most common is Sulphur Dioxide, a very useful compound that serves two main functions; it prevents oxidation and it also inhibits the growth of bacteria. We use a powdered form of Sulphur Dioxide known as Potassium-Metabisulphite or PMS for short.

By the end of the video, we hope you have a better understanding of why tanks need to be mixed, and how to add compounds to wine. Additions are a very common job in the winery, and in this video we add PMS, but the same principles apply for a lot of other additives.

This video was made in-house by our cellar hands, to give an overview of how to complete the task. However, more in depth training will be provided for any new staff.

Feel free to post questions in the comments section of the youtube video, and we will answer them as quickly as we can.

Nick Ippolito

CEO & Co-Founder at SquareKicker
No-Code Design and Animation Extension for Squarespace Websites

Topping Barrels


Cleaning Stainless Steel Tanks